During this period (5/31-7/2), my main goal is to pass the exams on week 5 and enter into university course successfully. However, all of the four exams are so difficult that I need to plan my study and work hard according to it to improve my English skills. My language learning goals is listing below.
Read fast and accurate.
- Become more familiar with academic texts and journals in my major(commerce). I can borrow some special books from school library or state library and read more business news on the newspapers, such as The Age and The Australia.
- Improve my reading speed.
- Do not use my dictionary when I was reading unless the new vocabulary influence my understanding to the whole meaning of the sentence deeply.
Have fewer errors and give unique opinions
- Improve the range of my vocabulary by keeping a vocabulary book.
- Keep practicing academic essay at least twice a week.
- Check the essay I write at least twice before hand in, minimize my grammar errors.
Familiar with different pronunciation and understand a long academic lecture
- Use useful websites, such as Academic Earth and Behind the News to improve my listening skills. Try to understand each sentence I heart and make notes.
- Can follow local people's daily communication when taking a train or tram.
- Become more familiar with academic lecture and can retell the main points of a lecture.
No Chinglish, more academic vocabulary and logical speak
- Improve my oral presentation skills by more practice.
- Participates actively in the tutorial group and be more confidence when I was giving my opinion.
- Communicate with everyone in English even talking with a compatriot.
Congratulations on your blog Xiao! It's good to see that you have put thought into your goals for E7. I look forward to reading your reflections!